
Digital Learning Concept with Focus on Safety-PLC Applications

In the field of electro-technical vocational training, in particular, in the security-sensitive area of digital machine controls, appropriate training materials that help to convey a correct and safe planning of the installation and use of security controls in prevailing industrial practice are absent. The SafetySim research project aims to bridge these open issues with machinery simulation for more realistic training experience in the area of Safety Programmable Logic Controller Applications.

To achieve the above objectives, a simulation-based training system supporting the functionality of the Safety-PLC is under development. Simulation system, which can realistically mimic environment for the safety devices (incl. necessary sensors/actuators) in an electro-mechanically correct way, is being realized. The corresponding signals should be processed through an I/O adapter under development, in a way that the signals can be exchanged between standard commercially available Safety-PLC and the simulation software. This didactic approach allows multiple “faults injection”, in simulated safety devices and actuators e.g. contact gaps, broken wires, welded contractors and short circuits.

The project is being realized in cooperation with Federal Institute for Professional Training (BIBB).

The project is funded by the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV).

